Casually Catching Up: May's Holiday Cards & New Sailor Pens: The Witch, A Mermaid and Hocoro Dip Pen

Casually Catching Up: May's Holiday Cards & New Sailor Pens: The Witch, A Mermaid and Hocoro Dip Pen

Hello everyone! Our team is back from our Thanksgiving break and ready to tackle the holidays! This week, Ashley and I are so excited to share with everyone May's adorable Special Project that she has been working on: our DIY Ornament Holiday Card. We have actually given out all of the cards we printed, but for anyone who missed out, don't be too sad because we still have plenty of copies of our special edition Holiday Yoseka Highlights Postcard also illustrated and designed by May! For an explanation of all the hidden details in May's illustration on our Holiday Postcard, be sure to tune in around 00:47. This week's newly added stationery seem to all have to do with Sailor! From Bungubox's exclusive new Sailor Realo, "The Witch," to the Sailor North American exclusive "Follow the Mermaid," to Sailor hocoro dip pen, and more! Thank you so much to Lisa, Jezabel, and Christina for visiting us in store on our busy weekend. For anyone planning a visit to our shop, we can't wait to welcome you in to our now fully-decorated winter wonderland! Our team had a fun time putting up our tree yesterday. Are you ready for the holidays?


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