Casually Catching Up: Kakimori Pop Up Final Countdown, Sailor Minori and Pilot VP Coral Red Pens!
Neil is back again for this episode of Catching Up. The Kakimori team is here and we are all making the final preparations for our collaboration Pop Up event. For those of you signed up for the Inkstand Workshop and planning a visit to the shop, we will see you soon and for those who won't be able to make it, don't worry because we are working on a video showing what the Pop Up will be like and our Yoseka Kakimori Exclusive inks will be available on our website starting 9/28! To anyone who has a planner preorder with us, thank you so much! We are working everyday on getting your packages shipped out. This week's newly added stationery include more Diamine inks, more cute stationery courtesy of BGM and special new fountain pens from Pilot and Sailor include the 2022 Vanishing Point in Coral Red and Shikiori 5th Anniversary Minori. Thank you so much to our dearest Customer Friends of the Week this week, Minnie, Ron, Christeanne and Monica!