Bronze Age and Bronze Age Golden Armour by Fine Writing International side by side

Bronze Age and Bronze Age Golden Armour by Fine Writing International side by side
We love demonstrator and brass at Yoseka : ) The Bronze Age series by Fine Writing International combines two our favorites. Recently we have more people asking about this series. Our take on this pen is really great. The pen has a comfortable size and a balanced weight. The brass adds a little more weight to the pen, and overall the pen is really comfortable to hold and easy to write. The ink capacity is a massive, so it's great for anyone who writes a lot.

Here are some other reviews from the internet:

Fine Writing Golden Amour Fountain Pen Review by Chris
Golden Armour: Fine Writing International's 6th Generation Brass Pen by Fudefan
Fine Writing Golden Armour - A Unique Brass Pen by Scrivinor

The differences between the designs are inspired by different Chinese folklores. Here are the two pens:
Bronze Age - Golden Armour
Bronze Age

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