Sailor Tea Time Series, a new series designed to celebrate different tea time traditions practiced around the world. The first in this series was inspired by Sweden. The Sailor Professional Gear FIKA Cup pen and Professional Gear FIKA Hallongrotta pen were designed to honor the Swedish tradition of Fika. Fika is an afternoon coffee break that is less about making a quick stop for a to-go cup, and more about the experience of savoring the moment (and a pastry) with a friend. Fika is such an integral part of Swedish culture that most companies require time away from work for this practice each day.
This second series is inspired by Christmas Tea. Tea is enjoyed in England and other European countries during the Christmas season. As winter approaches, tea blends are released by various tea manufactures, and many of them contain spiced such as cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, etc. and mixed with dried peels.