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Lennon Tool Bar

Lennon Tool Bar - Magic Fortune Teller Shop - No.104 青雲 Successful

Lennon Tool Bar - Magic Fortune Teller Shop - No.104 青雲 Successful

求籤 (Kau Chim) is a traditional fortune-telling practice in Asia that involves shaking a container filled with numbered sticks until one falls out. The numbered stick is then pointed to fortune telling poem that provides guidance into the future. It’s a fun tradition to help make decisions at special times such as graduation, promotion or new year etc. Lennon Tool Bar’s new Magic Fortune Teller Shop edition is inspired by 求籤 (Kau Chim) tradition but in a magical setting.

No.104 青雲 Successful. You have excellent communication in the process of work. And gain everyone's trust and appreciation. And so you also get rewards corresponding to abundance.

About Lennon Tool Bar:

Lennon Tool Bar was founded in 2014 at Tamsui, Taiwan. Initially, it started to promote arts and crafts of Indigo Dyeing, a business that flourished a century ago in Taiwan, and at the time, Taiwan exported a considerable amount of "doroai," or the raw material of colorants used in Indigo Dyeing, to the Japanese Empire. Lennon Tool Bar draws inspiration from the traditional process and the popular colors used in Indigo Dyeing.

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