Anniversary Featured Artists - Meagan

Anniversary Featured Artists - Meagan
This past year, we’ve met many people through our shop. Neil and I are often amazed by how many people we’ve met. We appreciate everyone who occasionally stops by to chat with us, comes in just to say hello, or introduce out of town friends to us and the shop, and we’re grateful to have been connected to so many great people this year! On this week leading up to our one year anniversary, we’d like to share five artists who we’ve met though the shop. They have not only become a really important part of the store, but we have become great friends over the past year. The first artist we’d like to introduce is Meagan.

@meaganillustrates is a NYC teacher, artist and crafter, and a very talented illustrator. She used to live just down the block from the shop and she actually stopped by on our very first day of store opening last year! She is friendly, kind, charming, active in the community, and always makes us laugh! Thanks to Meagan, we have become friends with fellow stationery lovers and met many people in the New York stationery community. She has hosted two Drawing Nights here at our shop, and they have been so much fun! Seeing her sketch in real time is a magical experience, and she has inspired us to be more adventurous with our creativity. We feel so happy and lucky to have met her <3

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